The books, written by Tamar Myers (whose website is very unfortunately DOWN), are part of a Pennsylvania Dutch Mystery Series and the titles of each installment involve foodstuffs since all of the stories in the series also involve recipes.

As the World Churns is an early favorite, but I also like Assault and Pepper and Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Crime.
Me (at work): "I wonder what has Tamar been up to..."
Tamar: "Over here in Amish Country coming up with gentle, food-related puns for my billion murder mysteries."
I am sure they don't really have murders. Based on the product description from one of them, I think the most salacious things that happen are a) women making financial decisions and b) people growing mustaches. WITNESS:
"Mennonite innkeeper Magdalena Yoder is at the bank with her four-year- old son when three armed Amish men burst in and start shooting and-more surprisingly-cursing. Magdalena protects Little Jacob, and the robbers flee at the sound of police sirens.
When Jacob wonders why the bandits had mustaches-unlike all the other Amish men he knows-Magdalena springs into action to catch the thieves. They may be armed, but they may not be Amish!"
This is from Butter Safe Than Sorry. You can find it on my Amazon wishlist. I just realized that introducing that passage with the word Witness might have been confusing. Because of the movie....Witness.
Indulge me and come up with your own titles.
You know, like a game.
Which no one would play with me in real life.
I'm going to search around on here for awhile and make some friendship bread.