Two weeks ago I braved rush hour snow traffic (albeit in the passenger's seat, which is much less brave, unless you count controlling the ipod in a list of harrowing tasks) to go out to the Mall of America to try and catch a glimpse of real life Sandra Lee, get an Orange Julius, and possibly talk to her about her time at UW LaCrosse. I even prepared some anecdotes that referenced local Oktoberfest traditions. Unfortunately, it turns out that you can only enter the Green Home and Garden structure in the rotunda if you have a wristband proving the purchase of one of Sandy's new books, neither of which I desire to own. If this had been an Ina Garten book signing, maybe. Even if you got yourself the wristband, Sandy and her team dictated that no autographs would be personalized and she would not allow photos. Memorizing that anecdote was all for naught.
I was surprised at all the restrictions she had on her fans at this relatively small event, but it sure made evading security in order to get this shot a very fun challenge.

Can you see her in the background there? The woman really loves to wear white. And beige. And turtlenecks. All of which she is doing in this picture. I have to say I was kinda disappointed by the messy bun and glasses but she did NOT disappoint by addressing the crowd and informing us that she "wished she could say 'it's cocktail time in here' but come in and see the beautiful holiday decor." I figured that if she didn't hot roller her hair, she probably didn't do those tablescapes herself either so there really wasn't too much lost by not getting a wristband.
By the time I hit up Williams-Sonoma, all the disappointment faded into non-existence because I saw this in the display window:

YOU CAN MAKE TINY CAKES THAT LOOK LIKE PERFECTLY WRAPPED GIFTS! I didn't buy them, and okay, my encounter with S. Lee wasn't exactly face-to-face but I'm still pretty sure 2009 is going to be my year.
Here's hoping that your new year is also filled with the analogous novelty bakeware and food network stars that are relevant to your life.
With love and pastry,