I am so looking for a chance to use this. It came out of my mouth today while I was listening in on two co-workers talk about their unsatisfactory interactions at car dealerships.
Co-worker S. to co-worker I.: "...so I drove that stupid Volkswagen back to the lot and told the guy I wanted bumper-to-bumper and free car washes for six months or I was walking! And you want to know what he told me? He said that wasn't the original deal! Can you believe that? Of course it wasn't the original deal or I wouldn't be in that mess of a car!"
Me(giggling): "You should have told him 'Listen up, I'm F.D.R. and this is the NEW DEAL.'"
I SO hope I can tell somebody off using that line in the very near future.
Pat. On. Back.
The Turtle Island Dinner Series at Owamni
4 weeks ago
Weird, cause today I used "I'm FDR, and I'm ashamed of my body (polio)."
That IS weird because normally I would be stealing something like that from you but in this case that's not even a possibility because we haven't spoken in months!
(come home to me.)
oh, but Hilarioso is all you.
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