That's right. I'm talking about table tennis. You know, ping pong. Sandy was showing us new, easy, and creative things to spice up your boring old typical ping pong party. Oh, have I not yet mentioned that the episode was called Ping Pong Party? Well it was. I don't know who has Ping Pong Parties these days. It sounds to me like something Betsy, Tacy, and Tib would do after reading Ivanhoe, wrapping sandwiches in plain brown paper, and twisting their hair up into rag curlers. All I know is that no one finishes up an intense game of competitive ping pong and reaches for one of these:

A Butterbeer. MMM...feel the chunks start to rise in your throat. This reminds me of that SNL fake commercial advertising cookie dough that is sold in Gatorade-like containers. They show marathon runners taking a swig of thick, cold cookie dough after the race which makes me feel like I need to swallow down all my excess gag saliva just thinking about it. ANYway this is what Butterbeer contains if you want to make it:
1/4 cup sweetened condensed milk
1/4 cup butterscotch topping
2 tablespoons whipped butter, room temperature
1 1/2 cups vanilla cream soda
My favorite part is the whipped butter.
But it gets so much better. Whilst looking up the recipe for the Butterbeer, I came across another semi-homemade delight:

I'll give you a second to say "what the fuck?" before you realize that this is a baked potato made out of ice cream. In the case of one special reader, this baked potato ice cream is a very exciting hybrid. Since it represents the marriage of two of her favorite things, I already know she won't think this is...really, really stupid. Which it is.
If you want to see more (and better) examples of this type of thing, with funnier writing go to cakewrecks.blogspot.com because I am tired.
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